Friday, March 9, 2012

Nice Quote

"If you have an intention to grow a business, if you have an intention to be in a successful place with yourself, you don't need to worry about how it's going happen, you just have to know it's going happen, be prepared for when it does happen and be willing to do the work when it shows up."

I found this quote today that represents what it takes to get things off the ground. It is a difficult task to grow something out of nothing, but if you enjoy what you do and stay focused good things will happen.

Business seems to be off to a good start for the Banking and Commercial Finance team here at SBR. With a big March looming we will be ahead of our annual goal for 2012. In my own personal space things continue to grow and have several candidates scheduled for final/follow up interviews here over the next couple of weeks. With M and I finalizing their merger here in the next 6-8 months. An influx of candidates from that group does threaten to fill the upper Midwest with seasoned solid talent.

As always I hope everyone is off to a great start and Happy Hunting!!

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